avril 3, 2020
European Glass Context, 2021 Conférence
European Glass Context. Bornholm, Denmark: postponed to 2021.
2 large curated exhibitions at the Bornholm Art Museum and Grønbechs Gård will showcase the best of European glass. The exhibitions are curated with personal invitations, as well as an open call, where individual artists, artists associations, individual curators, artists, designers and crafts makers working with glass can apply for participation.
Four underlying categories will shape the exhibitions. By setting a contemporary framework for the exhibitions, we want to put together two exhibitions that will largely reflect significant and new works, as well as the innovative, activist, experimental and sustainable trends in European glass.
Artist in Residence at The Royal Danish Academy, School of Design, Bornholm
European Glass Context 2021 is offering a residency for two artists or craft practitioners working in glass. Selected artists will be given the time and space to develop a new project or body of work in glass. The residency provides six weeks access to studio facilities at the glass department at KADK Bornholm and access to basic materials. Proposed projects for the EGC2020 artist in residence program must address themes related to one or more of the UN’s sustainability goals.
European Glass Context 2021
This opportunity caters to all Bornholm and international players in education, business, arts, crafts and culture. We welcome everyone to contact the secretariat to discuss the opportunities of organizing an adjoining event. Adjoining events must relate to contemporary glass in Europe.
Activities must match the high artistic level of the rest of the EGC2021. Therefore, the secretariat reserves the right to refuse events, that does not live up to these criteria.
There are many ways of participating
- You can apply to participate in the EGC2021 exhibitions
- You can organize your own event and have it included in the official EGC2021 program
- You can participate in the Events – please see the programme
- You can come as a visitor and join the exhibition openings and the party in the evening, to meet old friends and make new friends!
- If you have new ideas for projects and events, please get in contact!