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Call for ICOM Glass Members Call for papers Call for papers Conference Conferencia Exposición Focus Focus Meeting PhD Scholarships Publicaciones Workshop-
mayo 14, 2020
The GAS 2020 Virtual Conference
Conferencia -
mayo 14, 2020
22 AIHV Join Meeting with ICOM Glass, Lisbon, 2021
Call for papers, Conference -
mayo 14, 2020
AFAV. Conferencia Internacional en Nantes, Francia, 2021, has been canceled
abril 16, 2020
Próxima reunión de Light and Glass en Lisboa, Portugal, 2021
Meeting -
abril 3, 2020
European Glass Context 2021
Conference, Conferencia -
abril 3, 2020
Glass Meet the future
abril 3, 2020
2nd. Young French Glass Creation Prize
marzo 9, 2020
The Venice Glass Week
Meeting -
enero 15, 2020
XXXIV ATIV Conference. Where Glass Science, Art and Technology meet together
Conference, Meeting -
diciembre 30, 2019
Las colecciones de vidrio en España: del pequeño coleccionista al gran museo