Annual Newsletter
Annual Newsletter, 2023
ICOM Glass Annual Meeting in Tyrol
25-29 September, 2023
Annual Newsletter, 2022
ICOM 26th General Conference and Annual Conference of ICOM Glass in Prague
20-28 August, 2022
Annual Newsletter, 2021
ICOM Glass Meeting online
6-7 May, 2021
Annual Newsletter, 2020
ICOM Glass Meeting online
Annual Newsletter, 2019
ICOM Glass Meeting in Kyoto (Japan)
Annual Newsletter, 2018
ICOM Glass Meeting in St. Petersburg (Russia)
Annual Newsletter, 2017
ICOM Glass Meeting in Sars-Poteries, Northen France and Belgium
16-20 October, 2017
ICOM Glass Annual Meeting and ICOM 24th General Conference in Milan (Italy)
3-9 July, 2016
ICOM General Conference, 2013
Joint Meeting DEMHIST, ICDAD, ICFA and GLASS, 10-17 August.
“Glass in the Museum, in the Arts and in the Arquitecture. Possible connections”
Annual ICOM Glass Meeting in Bratislava – Lednické Rovné, Slovakia, 28-31 Octover, 2013.
“What is the future for contemporary studio glass and new discoveries in Slovakia glass”.
Report on the 2012 ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in USA
New York City and Corning, New York
June 5-9, 2012
Annual Newsletter, 2011
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Spain, 2011
Barcelona, La Granja and Madrid
May 30-June 4, 2011
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Finland and Tallin, 2010
September 6-10, 2010
Museums for Social Harmony. 7th to 12th November. Conference Centre, World Expo Site, Shanghai.
Joint Meeting and Simposium. DEMHIST / GLASS / ICDAD / ICFA (in association with ICOM China). 9th November. From Silk Road to Container Ship: artefacts, environment and cultural transfer
Annual Newlletter, 2002
19th General Conference and 20th General Assembly of the International Council of Museums
July 1-6, 2001
ICOM Glass Meeting in Passau, Germany
1-6- October, 2000
ICOM Glass Meeting in Germany
1-8 September, 1996
Annual Newsletter, 1996
ICOM Glass Meeting in Berlin
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Germany, 1993
19-25 September, 1993
Newsletter 1993
ICOM Glass Meeting in Italy, Venezia and Murano, 1992
18-25 October, 1992
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Denmark
13-20 May, 1990
Newsletter, 1990
Annual Newsletter, 1989
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Netherlands
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Glasgow, United Kingdom
May 17-24
Newsletter, 1988
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Frankfurt, Alemania
11-15 May, 1987
ICOM Glass Committee Meeting in Finland
21-25 May, 1984
ICOM Glass Annual Meeting, Liege, 1966
International Repertory of Glass. Museums and Glass Collections